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Applying analytical and quantum theory principles to civil infrastructure systems

Archive for the ‘Solutions (Quantum Mechanics: The theoretical minimum)’ Category

Lecture Solutions for Chapter 6 (1-3)

August 3rd, 2015 by Roger

Hi Everyone,

Attached are the solutions for the first three problems only (to not spoil the fun of the 7 problems that are due this week).

Update(9/15/2015): The full set of solution is posted below.

Solutions 6 (full)

Lecture Solutions for Chapter 5

July 26th, 2015 by cv7

Hi all,

I’ve attached the solutions for Chapter 5. (We’re about halfway done with this book!)



Lecture Solutions for Chapters 3 & 4

July 4th, 2015 by cv7

Hi all,

I’ve attached the exercise solutions for Chapters 3 and 4 as separate pdf’s. Please let me know if there are any mistakes or errors in logic.

Chapter3 Solutions

Chapter4 Solutions


Solutions for Chapter 2

May 28th, 2015 by kjh4

Exercise 2.1

Assume that \ket{u} and $\ket{d}$ are normalized basis vectors. And let:
\ket{r} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\ket{u} + \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\ket{d}
$\ket{l} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\ket{u} - \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\ket{d}$
 Prove that $\ket{r}$ is orthogonal to $\ket{l}$
 pf/ $\ket{r}$ and $\ket{l}$ are orthogonal iff $\braket{r}{l} = 0$
 Now $\bra{r} = \overline{\ket{r}}$
 And $\overline{\ket{r}} = \overline{\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\ket{u} + \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\ket{d}}$
$= \overline{\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\ket{u}} + \overline{\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\ket{d}} $   \hfill $(\overline{a+b} = \overline{a}+\overline{b})$
$= \overline{\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}}\overline{\ket{u}} + \overline{\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}}\overline{\ket{d}} $   \hfill $(\overline{ab} = \overline{a}\overline{b})$
So $ \bra{r} = \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\bra{u} + \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\bra{d} $   \hfill $(\overline{\ket{a}} = \bra{a})$
 Now,  $\braket{r}{l} = (\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\bra{u} + \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\bra{d}) \cdot  (\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\ket{u} - \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\ket{d})$
 = $\dfrac{1}{2}\braket{u}{u} - \dfrac{1}{2} \braket{l}{l}$
 = $ \dfrac{1}{2} *1 - \dfrac{1}{2}*1 = 0$ \hfill (Since $\bra{u}$ is normalized, $\braket{u}{u} = 1$)
 So therefore $\braket{r}{l} = 0$

Exercise 2.2

There is nothing unique about up/down that is not true for left/right and in/out. So apply the previous exercise. All its trying to say is convince us that the current definition of left and right, are mutually orthogonal. And could work to represent spin states.
Exercise 2.3
 Exercise 2.3
 Let $\ket{i} = a\ket{u} + b\ket{d}$ and $\ket{o} =  c\ket{u} + e\ket{d}$

 a) $a^*a = \braket{u}{i}\braket{i}{u} = 0.5$  \hfill (b/c when the spin is set to in, the prob of up is 0.5)


 Say that $a^*b$ was real. Then $a^*b = (a^* b)^* = ba^*$. (real number are equal to their complex conjugates.) But then $a^*b + ba^* = 0 = 2a^*b$. But then either $a^*$ or $b$ must be 0. But then either $a^*a$ or $b^*b$ must be equal to 0 which contradicts.



Solutions for Chapter 1

May 18th, 2015 by Roger

Exercise 1.1

a) Using the axioms of inner products, we are asked to prove


\{<A|+<B|\}|C>\,=\, <A|C>+<B|C>



Let $<D|=\{<A|+<B|\}$. Using the second axiom of inner products


\\<C|D>=<D|C>^ {\ast}


Now lets substitute $|D>$


\\<C|\{|A>+|B>\}=(\{<A|+<B|\}|C>)^ {\ast}


Which, using the first axiom of inner products, becomes


\\<C|A>+<C|B>=(\{<A|+<B|\}|C>)^ {\ast}


Lastly, we compute the complex conjugates of each term


\\<C|A>^ {\ast}+<C|B>^ {\ast}=(\{<A|+<B|\}|C>)^ {\ast}^ {\ast}





Which is the proof that we were seeking.

b) Prove $<A|A>$ is a real number

Here we will use the component notation. The bra $<A|$ and ket $|A>$ in component notation are:


<A|=\sum\nolimits_{i=1} \alpha_i^{\ast}<i|



|A>=\sum\nolimits_{j=1} \alpha_j|j>


If we take the inner product we find


<A|A>=\sum\nolimits_{j=1}\sum\nolimits_{i=1}  \alpha_i^{\ast}\alpha_j<i|j>


Since  $<i|j>=0$ when $i\neq j$ and  $<i|j>=1$ when $i= j$, the previous becomes


<A|A>=\sum\nolimits_{j=1}  \alpha_j^{\ast}\alpha_j


Now, remembering that any complex number multiplied by its complex conjugate yields a real number, we can conclude that the previous expression is a summation of real numbers. Therefore,  we conclude that $<A|A>$ is a real number too

Exercise 1.2

 Show that the inner product


\\<B|A>=\beta_1^ {\ast}\alpha_1+\beta_2^ {\ast}\alpha_2+\beta_3^ {\ast}\alpha_3+\beta_4^ {\ast}\alpha_4+\beta_5^ {\ast}\alpha_5


satisfies all the axioms of inner products.


The first axiom is




Let us introduce the bra vector $<C|$



c^{\ast}_1 & c^{\ast}_2 &  c^{\ast}_3 &c^{\ast}_4 & c^{\ast}_5



The left side of the axiom in explicit form is



c^{\ast}_1 & c^{\ast}_2 &  c^{\ast}_3 &c^{\ast}_4 & c^{\ast}_5










Working out the vector multiplication and rearranging we find

























Proving the first axiom. The second axiom is




We can start this proof computing the complex conjugate of <B|A>


\\<B|A>^{\ast}=(\beta_1^ {\ast}\alpha_1+\beta_2^ {\ast}\alpha_2+\beta_3^ {\ast}\alpha_3+\beta_4^ {\ast}\alpha_4+\beta_5^ {\ast}\alpha_5)^{\ast}


Computing the complex conjugate for each term in the right yields




Since the terms in the right commute, we can write




Taking the complex conjugate of all terms we find




And therefore


